
Monday, August 20, 2012

I'm Free!

I got the good news that I no longer have to stay in my crate! I'm so happy! 

So, today when we got to work, instead of putting me in my crate, momma took me out of my carrier and put me on the counter by the cash registers. She said I could explore  up there while she and daddy had a cup of coffee. I had so much fun, so many new smells, and there were things to step over, things that make funny noises when I stepped on, and there were TOYS all over!

I picked out the perfect perch, people would have to walk right by me and pet me if they wanted to shop.

When I got tired of playing with the things on the counter, momma put me down on the floor to explore. The first thing I did was have a GOOOOD stretch! It felt so good to be  out of my crate.

Then I played with my little mouse. This is my favorite toy,  it rattles when I play with it. 

I had a lot of fun running up and down the aisles with it. The nice long aisles made it a lot of fun, I could really stretch my legs and run. 

My white brothers and sisters kept a close eye on me to make sure that I did not get into any trouble. I know they love me, the big one is always washing my face and ears. Momma said, "Tiggie, I hate to tell you this, but they are really waiting for you to drop your mouse so they can  play with it."  I don't believe her, they wouldn't do that to me, would they? 

"Come on Tigger, time to get in your carrier, it is time to leave and go home."
What do you mean Momma? I'm still playing, it can't be time to leave.  
"It's time to go Tigger, you can play with Marley Mouse and Cody Coyote after dinner when we get home."

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

I'm a Panther!

I'm a BLACK PANTHER in the Jungle, waiting for a deer to walk by.

Wait, what do I see? 

I'll have to take a closer look

My first victim! I get into strike mode, ready, ready, ATTACK! Curses, foiled, I'll have to try a different angle. I will get that pesky deer.

Gotcha! Now to drag you off to my lair and eat you up!

MOMMA! Why do I have to play with the new kid? He chews on my ears and pulls my whiskers. I'm going to go play with Cody Coyote in the garage. Maybe we can find a mouse.

I'm a CHEETAH in the African Savannah, hiding in the tall grass for a Wildebeast to walk by.

I see one now, sunning himself in the warm sunlight. If I sneak up, I may be able to pounce before he notices and runs off.

Tigger! It's bedtime now. Time to stop playing make believe and get ready for bed. 

But I'm not sleepy Momma, can I please stay up just a little longer?

No Tigger, it's time for your bedtime snack and then off to bed for you little man.

Okay Momma, Good Night!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Vet Update

Tigger's mommy here, he couldn't understand what I was telling him, so this week's blog I will be filling in.

Three weeks ago he had his first vet visit. Our wonderful vet gave him a complete once over, and instantly fell in love with Tigger. He is a sucker for a hard luck case and a real sweetheart when it comes to pets.

This is Tigger's first X-Ray, taken July 16th.
As you can see, the left ball is completely broken off the head of the femur. The right side is pushed to the left considerably, and you can see that his spine is not centrally located, it's off to the right.

Tigger was on strict crate rest when we got him, and continued after this X-Ray. He has been in his crate for a total of 6 weeks so far.

August 6th. Tigger went back for another set of X-Rays, I was hoping that there was some improvement, at least hoping that space between the ball and the femur would fill in with new bone.

There was no improvement. As you can see in the top image, the right side of his pelvis is severely pushed to the left, along with his spine. The vet is concerned that his pelvic cavity will be very narrow as he grows. Right now we will not be doing anything beyond keeping him quiet for another couple of weeks. He is allowed out of his crate for "supervised" play time. He is not allowed to jump up or jump down, but running and "lite" romping is fine. The vet is hoping that the blood vessels going to the ball that is broken off are still viable. We go back for another set of X-Rays in another 3 weeks. Then the vet will decide if the ball needs to come out, or if it can stay in.

Sigh, this was not the news I was hoping for. Tigger is such a sweet kitten, always purring, always looking at the world with a wide eyed amazement look in his eyes, and always ready to curl up in a lap, anybody's lap. The good news, he can walk and run fine, and does not show any signs of being in pain.

Tigger will return with the next blog, he loves his time at the keyboard,

Tigger Too's Mom

Monday, July 30, 2012

I'm a Model!

     Mommy says that I can be studio kitty this morning. I can't wait!  I don't know what that means, but my brothers and my kitty mommy are excited, so this must be fun. I get to go to a new room in the house. Cody says it's a Studio, and lots of fun things happen there. He also told me that I get to meet a new brother today too, Marley Mouse. 

     Mommy set up a nice little cozy box for me to rest in. She filled it with soft fleece and then some red fun material that I can see through. Oh Boy! She's putting me in the box, and it's filled with TOYS!  I have a little catnip mouse, a mouse that rattles, jingle balls, crinkle balls ( my favorite!), and my favorite piece of rope. This is going to be fun!  I'm out of my crate AND I have toys. Wait, what is this? She is dangling a toy above my head that has feathers and makes noise. I must grab it! 

     A bright light goes off, I wonder if I should be concerned? I guess not, Cody is ignoring it, so I guess I will too.

     I met a new brother today too. His name is Marley Mouse. Cody says that they are best buddies and I'll really like him, he is a lot of fun to pal around with. Isn't he handsome? I can't wait until I am out of this crate so I can run around and play with my brothers and sisters.

     Mommy says I can stay out while she takes one more photo, but then I have to go back to my crate. I'm bummed, but she says I go to a place called "the vets" for a picture of my pelvis (what ever that is) on Monday.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Hi! My name is Tigger Too!

I am just about 12 weeks old now, and I weigh just over 3 pounds. This is my story as I remember it....

     The first thing I remember is waking up in a garbage can crying. I don't know what happened to my family, did I even have a family? This nice lady walking by found me and brought me to an emergency vet, thinking that I was just dumped. She could not keep me, but she could not just leave me there either. The nice ladies at the emergency vet took good care of me, but they noticed that I walked funny. They took some pictures of my leg and realized that I had broken it. The vet clinic did all they could for me for me, then set about finding me a fur-ever home. 

     That's where my new mommy comes in. She is friends with one of the ladies at the vet clinic. When she realized that a week had gone by and nobody was interested in me, she called to see if she could adopt me. Lucky Me!  I was still available, so she drove down 2 hours to where I was. It was love at first sight for both of us. The minute I saw her, I started purring my heart out. I did not like the ride home at all! There was construction all over and the bouncing of the car hurt my leg. Fortunately, I had just gotten a shot for pain the day before, which lasts up to 3 days. 

     We finally got home, mommy made a nice nest for me in a crate. I have my own baby litterbox, adorable little water bowl and FOOD!  You know us kittens are always hungry! I wanted to get out and tear around the room and explore! That's what us kittens do, we explore and play!  Mommy was strict about that though, no playing, strict crate rest until we see our vet. 

      I did get to meet my older brother. At first I was a little scared, he is so much larger than I am,  but he said, "hey, kid, I'll take care of you and show you the ropes here."  His name is Cody Coyote, and he is a beautiful Seal Point Ragdoll. He loves me! He told me so when he was washing my face and ears.He watches over me to make sure that I don't try to do too much during my short breaks from crate rest. We play with our mouse, or he just snuggles up with me. I wish mommy would let him sleep with me at night,  but she's afraid he would roll over and hurt me.

This is me during one of my breaks that I am allowed out of my crate. I could not walk very good, so I layed on the blanket and played with my mouse.

     This is my big brother Cody Coyote, isn't he handsome? He is always looking out for me, making sure the other cats and dogs do not play too rough.

     Mommy said that we could play for a little while, because Cody is so gentle with me. We played with our mouse, and I loved every minute of it. My brother was so sweet. When I wanted the mouse, he would just back up a little so I could get it. I love my big bro! 

     I have more brothers and sisters, but mommy says I have to get better before I can play with them. What is a kitten to do? All I want to do is play, play, play!

     I'm getting tired now, I have been up for a while. I think I will go check out my food bowl then take a nap!  Good Night!